Monday, January 30, 2012

Kumquat at 10 weeks - bigger than a quarter!

At 10 weeks, the baby has grown to the size of a kumquat! The most critical stages of development are completed, and the baby is now officially a fetus. I’ve read that the baby’s placenta is now managing hormone production, so nausea related to increased hormones should wear off soon. I have still been feeling nauseous, with a few moments of respite particularly after a meal. And I feel dizzy if not careful, so am just being more conscious and careful with my movements. Apparently with all the extra blood circulating, it’s natural to get these dizzy moments.

We heard back from the results of last week’s tests at our first prenatal appointment, and all is in good shape, and all pregnancy hormones are normal!! This last part made me cry – just hearing someone say this – your pregnancy hormones are all normal. I think I’m entering a new emotional stage.
I started a great pregnancy journal that has daily information about what’s developing for the baby and for me, along with tips and quotes. There are also places to write weekly and monthly thoughts, and some questions about your hopes and dreams. While going through these questions with Jose, and also talking with a friend yesterday who asked if there was anything we really wanted to do before entering baby world, the truth just appears again and again that we are excited and embracing this time ahead to share with our baby! The baby just seems a lot greater than any dinner out, travel experience, or anything else. 

So we now have the next 3-4 weeks to round out the rest of the first trimester – at the end of this period, I should be feeling less queasy and have more energy, and we’ll have the fun of sharing this news more widely with loved ones. I’m also looking forward to showing more that we’re pregnant. At a party this past weekend, people asked if I was not drinking since I’m the designated driver. I look forward to visibly appearing pregnant at parties, on the metro, and in life!

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