Over the past two weeks, Nico seems to be growing and moving into new areas of his current home! While walking one night with Jose, I had a few sharp pains at the bottom of my abdomen. The doctor said that if these were not continuing over time and growing more intense, then it's probably just the baby's head pushing on my cervix! While walking this week during the day, I had a few feelings of new pressure, that were not painful, but a feeling of something pushing on my organs - I guess this is because "something" is indeed pushing on my organs! I'm happy though to share any space he needs with him until he is here!
I went to two classes at the Breastfeeding Center of DC over the past few weeks too. While some friends who'd taken longer maternity leaves never pumped at all, this is definitely the pumping town! Just about all women in DC return to work a few months after birth. I'm very glad that I'll have four months full time with Nico at home, and then a few months part time before Nico starts day care in March.
In these breastfeeding classes, my prenatal yoga class, and the local group of pregnant women who I meet with every few weeks, I love connecting with all of these future Moms, especially those who will have little boys for Nico to play with!
Despite any discomforts, this period of pregnancy and connection to other pregnant women and people is really a special time. We feel very lucky with Jose to have this little guy!
What you are describing sounds a lot like "Round Ligament Pain" and is very common at this stage, but can be very uncomfortable and scary for some women. The pain can be dull or sharp and is sometimes hard to tell from a problem pain. Keeping track of what you're doing when the pain shows up may help put your mind at ease.