Thursday, June 21, 2012

Big belly, and about 9 more weeks to go!!!

It’s hard to believe that this is just a 7 month pregnancy belly and that there are 2 more months of more growing!!We of course love every moment though, with Nico actively participating, so it seems, in the latest basketball championship games – maybe he can tell how excited his Dad is during these games!

Nico also thought of his Papa on Father’s day and gave him a few books en espanol, including one called – Why I love my Dad. While walking around our neighborhood this past Sunday on Father’s Day, several people wished Jose a happy father’s day! More and more people have been wishing us congratulations when they see us with the big belly – from the lady we pass in her garden, to the metro train driver!

Last weekend we did a child birth class. In addition to talking with other new parents and going through the details of labor, it was fun to see Jose volunteer for the role of the laboring Mom! I couldn’t help but think what a fun guy Jose will be to go through labor with!

In this week’s doctor’s appointment, now every 2 weeks, the Doctor ordered us a sonogram for July 23. We didn’t think we’d get another one, but the Doctor said that being over 35 does have some benefits – more sonograms! So that is something great to look forward to – seeing what our little guy is up to. It will be our last glimpse of him before we meet him in real life about a month later. I keep thinking about what he will be like, and realizing too what a unique moment this is – the last 2 months of our entire lives where we will NOT yet know this guy completely.

It’s great getting closer to our life with Nico every day.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Childbirth classes and cute story

Last weekend, I did a "Labor with Love" class at Circle Yoga, where we learned about all the different stages of labor from a very thoughtful and fun yoga teacher, and then went through some positions with partners. The class was both interesting and added further to the happiness and excitement about Nico. And the group was made up of couples with one person from another country - another great detail about DC! Next weekend we do a "Birth Works" class which focuses on developing a woman's self confidence, trust and faith in her ability to give birth. I'm feeling great about these classes and the ongoing processes of both pregnancy and birth. And it feels great to think about how my happiness and excitement is likely being transmitted to Nico!

A funny and cute story - I had thought that Nico never moved around at night, as I'm never woken up from sleep by his movements. Jose, who always wakes up before me, woke one morning recently to a little kicking, specifically as Jose explained it - Nico kicked his ass! So it turns out that Nico does move around at night, but that his Mom is just a very sound sleeper!

We are at week 29 today, and will have Nico with us in just 2 and a half months!