Saturday, August 25, 2012

Due Date Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow is our due date!! These are photos of Nico's bassinet in our room, and his diaper changing area in his future room.

I've been working night and day over the past week, and will work tomorrow, Sunday and right up until Nico decides it's time for the work to stop! My work friends/colleagues marched into my office one by one this past Friday with lemon desserts, until the office was filled with about 20 people! I've been craving lemon drinks, and tastes - and had shared this with a few smart ladies who remembered! Each person put in a guess of the birth date and time - and the winner will get the cash in the envelope with this long list. Though any day is great - we still like the 31st (Jose is born on the 31st Jan) and the 29th (we were married on a lemon farm the 29th March); we also like Sept 3 - Labor Day itself.

My latest doctor's visits report nothing new - cervix not yet dilating, and Nico is doing well.  I did learn that I have the iron levels of a man, as the doctor put it. That's nice to know that Nico is getting all of this good iron! I am also still walking and/or doing prenatal yoga every day, and feel great. I can't really roll over in bed anymore without getting on all fours, and my ankles are starting to swell up - but it's all just kind of funny, and still seems very sweet - because it's all due to this great little Nico.

Any day now!!!


1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you! Can't wait to see you again and meet him!
