Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov 12 update

Nico is just over 10 weeks old and just about 15 pounds!!

Among his many new "tricks", he has been (since last Friday!) reaching out to objects like a little panda bear, and holding onto things like little rattles and a little stuffed bunny, which he even almost hugged tonight. He is super fascinated by things like a cool ceiling in a restaurant, or the bananas and apples at the grocery store. He likes music and being sung to. And he is SO serious about keeping with his 7pm marathon feeding and then sleeping routine. He seems to have a super strong personality, and is just so vibrant with his smiles, coos and kicks!

He still sleeps with us, which I love. And even though I might be sleepy, I also love waking up to feed him in the middle of the night, and even he wakes up a little too early, I love seeing his happy morning face, smiles, bright eyes.

I am still on maternity leave through December, with a little bit of work still every day, and then return to work part time (30 hours/week) in January.

Nico will be baptized in Delaware on December 16th, at the same church where my brother Tom and I were baptized, and also where my Mom and grandmother used to attend, and where today my Dad and Ann attend and sing in the choir. Jose's sister, her husband and Jose's cousin arrive from Uruguay the 15th, and will be in the US until early January. Jose goes to Columbia for a work trip the first week of December, and I will likely go to Delaware.

So that's our latest!

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