Monday, May 21, 2012

3rd Trimester starts - we SEE Nico move!!!

We officially started the third and last trimester on Sunday!

To celebrate, we did a weekend get-away to a cute Virginia town with overnight at a country inn with pool by a barn's silo. While sitting at the pool, I felt a huge movement that made my arm move that had been lying on my stomach! Jose and I then watched my stomach jump/move twice! The next day, we saw Nico move on my stomach again - while we were again by the pool after a swim. I wonder if this is Nico's love for swimming showing again!

Since just this past weekend, his movements are a lot more clear, and fun! He surprised me a few times at my office today. Though Nico remains thoughtful and well behaved - he will move around in the daytime, and then still quiets down around 11 when I go to sleep. We'll see of course how long this continues, but it just seems so nice of him for now!

With the third trimester here, our priorities now are a child birth class in June, the whole registry process next weekend, and getting a dresser for all of Nico's cute clothes! It's great to be getting closer every day to our time with Nico Luca.

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